Sunday, September 30, 2012

Ceating Page Cache

* @Author: Rbernal
* @ 11-13-09
* @ page caching

class PageCache{
     * @ path where we save or cache files
    private $cache_path;
     * @ page information basename and the dir
    private $page_info;
     * @ file content to be saved on a as cache files
    private $page_content;
     * @ file content to be saved on a as cache files
    public $use_cache = true;
     * @ constructor
    public function __construct( $base_path = '/' )
        $this->cache_path = $base_path;
     * @ set page information
    private function getPageInfo()
        $this-> page_info = pathinfo( $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] );
        $this-> page_info['dirname'] = substr($this-> page_info['dirname'],1).'/';
     * @ create directory if Directory does not exist
    private function createDirectory()
        $this->cache_path = $this->cache_path.$this-> page_info['dirname'];
        if( !file_exists($this->cache_path)  ){  
            mkdir($this->cache_path, 0777, true);
     * @start reading the page for caching
    public function startCache()
     * @limit the output buffer and save
    public function endCache()
        $this->page_content = ob_get_contents();
     * @remove output buffer
    private function clean()
     * @save cache file if not exist
    private function saveCache()
        $file = $this->cache_path.md5($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']);
        if( !file_exists($file) &&  $this -> use_cache )
             file_put_contents($file, $this->page_content);